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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


What some Members have to say

I Have to give a little shoutout to @Brayden and @TheMoCrew for teaching me the basics of trading and a little more. Teaching and guiding me towards becoming a profitable trader. This group is a family and I am honored to be a part of it, hopefully my trades becomes so profitable that I can become a Master Team member. Thank you guys for everything and let's make some money and knowledge. 


I have been here about a month or two and learned the basics for free. I recently took my first Win by myself, although I hardly know the basics of analysis of charts etc. I took what i have learned from these wonderful people and had my first massive win and is my first step to becoming a better trader. I know I'm not the best at writing but my point is these analysts and people at Vinstock will show results and are willing to help you learn the fundamentals. Thank you for all the help ❤️ keep on rockin on!!!


I love crypto hour: I am someone who never normally pays for subscriptions, but this one I had to try. In the first trade taken from the crypto hour group, I made more than enough to pay for a few months more subscriptions, so it literally pays for itself. Don't have time to do research? Take a crypto hour trade, set your OCO's to exactly what is stated and you will likely make money. This isn't advisable, always do your research and be informed, but it shows the sheer power of the crypto hour where you are spoonfed trades that give you great percentage returns with clear risk analysis. It is just so worth the money, it is a mini investment of itself as it can pay for itself extremely quickly. 


Ask the creators of the education pack themselves for any questions on topics or assignments.


Apply what you learned through meticulously designed Assignments on each topic.


Experience Mulitple Trading Strategies to match your own Lifestyle. Spend the Time that matches your calendar.


Follow along and understand with ease due to our thoroughly created programs.



Crypto Hour


This is a Price List paragraph. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.

Market Hour


This is a Price List paragraph. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.

Master Team


This is a Price List paragraph. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.



Copy and Pasting alerts is a waste of time. Our experienced analysts have daily Live trading sessions to show you the hands on of how we find and execute our trades and investments.

Don't tie yourself down to one strategy. Instead, observe our analysts trading and investing in various markets depending on the current wave and use a strategy that fits your needs, but more importantly, that fits your lifestyle.


Without education there is no growth, our mission is to create the best trading team in the world in the next 5-10 years. Therefore, we are highly focused on Teaching all members our strategies, tips and techniques to adhere to our vision.


Portfolio growth is all in the details, Our mission is always explain the current market conditions and psychology so you can adapt your style of risk. We also always mention the % of our portfolios we use on a trade or investment based on market conditions so you can have the exact same result as us.


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Request Analysis in any market from any of our Expert Traders and receive a detailed explanation of the potential scenarios and our thought process behind it.

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Learn during the community Live calls where our expert analysts teach you their strategies

Team Discussions

Chat with our community to get a broader perspective on current events and potential plays on the markets.

Live Trading Calls

Live Trading in Stocks and Crypto with our experienced analysts (recorded so you can learn at your own pace)

Detailed Alerts

Stocks - Crypto - Options - Leveraged ETF's -  All Alerts fully detailed with levels such as Entry points, Stop losses, Targets% of Portfolio used + Chart analysis 

Detailed Trading Alerts
Live Trading Calls with Everyone
Team Discussions
Learn New Strategies
Chats with analysts and members

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Steps to Join our Private Community




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If not, you may re-apply in a month.

Wait 24-48 hours and be granted access to the limited version of our community or get immediate access to all paid features. 

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Challenge the whales

We believe in restoring your financial independence. While large institutions claim that 90% of people cannot thrive in markets... We believe that anyone can be profitable with effective strategies, proper knowledge, and a well-established team.



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Detailed Trading Alerts

Stocks - Crypto - Options - Leveraged ETF's -  All Alerts fully detailed with levels such as Entry points, Stop losses, Targets% of Portfolio used + Chart analysis 

Team Discussions

Chat with our community to get a broader perspective on current events and potential plays on the markets.

Live Trading Calls with Everyone

Live Trading in Stocks and Crypto with our experienced analysts (recorded so you can learn at your own pace)

Chats with Analysts and Members

Join team calls to build stronger connections around the World

Learn New Strategies

Learn during the community Live calls where our expert analysts teach you their strategies

Request Analysis from Experts

Request Analysis in any market from any of our Expert Traders and receive a detailed explanation of the potential scenarios and our thought process behind it.

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